Aggressively Defending Drug Charges in Shepherdsville

Aggressively Defending Drug Charges in Shepherdsville - Bullitt County

Are you seeking a defense attorney with a reputation for aggressively defending drug charges in Shepherdsville and throughout Bullitt County Kentucky and the surrounding areas?  Attorney John Schmidt has more than 20 years of experience as an attorney and fights for his clients at every step of the way.  The Law Offices of John Schmidt & Associates PLLC works working to reduce the charges our clients may face as well as any resulting consequences. 

Drug charges here in Kentucky are heavily based upon the circumstances surrounding the arrest and the information provided by the defendant themselves during questioning.  This is why it is important for anyone suspected of or charged with a crime to calmly, respectfully and yet firmly decline to talk to the sheriffs, investigators or police and contact John Schmidt or call us today at (502) 509-1490 for a free consultation and start to get the answers you need as well as the protections of sound legal advice and counsel.  You have the right to remain silent.

There are many successful strategies for aggressively defending drug charges and allegations of drug crimes such as drug possession, drug trafficking or drug distribution.  For example, when we prove you did not know someone had placed drugs in a coat pocket or in your backpack possession charges cannot hold up.  Police officers, lab technicians and other investigators must follow specific rules regarding evidence.  Labs must be able to prove the substances were actually dangerous drugs.  Law enforcement personnel make mistakes, and samples are contaminated and lost.  Just because you had some “criminal tools” in your possession such as money, baggies or scales doesn’t automatically prove your intent to sell or distribute.

John Schmidt challenges the evidence and how it was collected, the actions of police and law enforcement professionals and interrogators, prosecution theories and all aspects of intent while aggressively defending drug charges in Shepherdsville, Bullitt County and surrounding criminal courts.  John has the courtroom experience, legal skill and experience with local prosecutors to successfully defend Kentucky drug crimes.  If you are looking for a straightforward criminal defense lawyer who will challenge every step of your case while seeking a reduction or dismissal of the charges and the consequences you will face we invite you to contact us via e-mail, schedule an appointment or call us today at (502) 509-1490 to get the answers you need and sound criminal defense, advice and counsel based upon more than 20 years of experience.