Injuries from a Delivery Truck Accident in Kentucky

Injuries from a Delivery Truck Accident in Kentucky

We live near some of the heaviest commercial traffic areas in Kentucky, and each year there are hundreds of cases involving injuries from a delivery truck accident in Kentucky. Delivery truck accidents may not involve the weight, size and g-forces associated with the impact of a semi-tractor trailer.  However, delivery drivers are often referring to maps, instructions in the delivery ticket and/or communicating with dispatch or other drivers.  These distractions and the size of their trucks can still cause serious injuries and in some cases the loss of life, known in Kentucky as a “wrongful death.”

Trying to stay on schedule on busy county highways such as routes 44, 61, 31W or 62 as well as more rural and quiet roads and subdivisions can be hazardous. Injuries from a delivery truck accident in Kentucky and other trucks and heavy commercial vehicles often occur around these busy routes and other intersections throughout Bullitt and Hardin Counties.   It is easy to understand the pressure of keeping up with the high number of packages these drivers must deliver each and every day and trying to find their way to each destination.  However, these distractions are no legal excuse for causing an accident and any resulting injuries.

The Law Offices of John Schmidt & Associates PLLC have served the communities south of and around Louisville Kentucky for more than 20 years. If you have suffered injuries from a delivery truck accident in Kentucky there are many important things you need to know.

The most important thing to do if you have been involved in any vehicle collision, regardless of the speed of travel or the “light impact” is to see a doctor for a thorough examination.  The forces involved in any motor vehicle accident can cause injuries that might not present any symptoms for days, weeks or even months.  If you don’t see a doctor the insurance company will deny your otherwise valid personal injury claim.

Don’t speak with any insurance representatives until you have spoken with John Schmidt.  It is simply not in your interest to do so.  They will try to ask “a quick question” such as “how are you feeling?” or “are you alright?” 

These are not simple, caring questions, they are designed to get you to say something to the effect of “I’m ok,” or “not bad.”  These simple statements and anything you share with friends, family, co-workers or on social media can and will be used against you as they attempt to substantially reduce or reject your valid personal injury claim.

The insurance adjuster and agents have one goal: settle your personal injury case for the lowest possible amount. Period.  They are highly trained and focused on getting you to settle quickly for much less than they are required by law to pay, let alone what you deserve. 

Injury settlements should reflect lost wages from missing time at work, all past, present and future medical bills and related expenses, modifications to your home or vehicles that may be required to accommodate your injuries as well as fair, full and just compensation for having to endure your injuries and the process of recovery.  There will probably be long-term consequences and some things simply can’t be totally fixed.  This is why you need the more than 20 years of experience and skilled representation of personal injury attorney John Schmidt.

If you have suffered injuries from a delivery truck accident in Kentucky we invite you to contact us via e-mail, schedule an appointment or call us today at (502) 509-1490 to get the sound advice you need to protect your valid personal injury claim.

There is no cost to you out of pocket in personal injury cases as we work on a contingency fee basis.