Relocation Away from Bullitt County Kentucky with Children

Are you searching for information on a planned relocation away from Bullitt County Kentucky with children?  Child custody situations that involve a parent who wishes to move out of the area, out of state, and especially out of the country and take the children are pretty complex emotionally, as well...

Child Custody Relocation and Move-Away Cases

What do you need to know about Kentucky child custody relocation and move-away cases? What should you do if your former spouse either plans to or has already taken your child or children and moved away from Shepherdsville or Bullitt County?  If you wish to relocate with your child(ren) after...

Move Away from Kentucky with Children

What happens if a parent wants to move away from Kentucky with children?  What happens if the children are part of  existing child custody orders? Child custody situations that involve a parent who wishes to move and take the children are quite complex emotionally, as well as legally.  In Kentucky,...

Can You Take the Kids and Move Out of Kentucky

We are often asked what to do if you want to take the kids and move out of Kentucky.  Move away and relocation child custody cases can be quite legally complex.  There are several questions which must be considered at the outset: Do you have sole legal and physical custody...