How will a new partner affect child custody? What happens when one of the parents involved in shared parenting starts to date or even gets serious about a potential partner? Child custody and parenting time issues can be quite challenging at times. My name is John Schmidt, and after more...
Shepherdsville Child Custody and Parenting Time Attorney
Are you searching for an experienced Shepherdsville child custody and parenting time attorney? One of the most important issues in any divorce or move-away/relocation case involving children relates to child custody, parenting time or visitation, and child support. In Bullitt County and throughout the Louisville-area region, child custody and parenting...
Manage a Divorce in Shepherdsville or Bullitt County
Is it possible to manage a divorce in Shepherdsville or Bullitt County, Kentucky? Why is it important to understand each step required to complete the process of your divorce? In order for any divorce in Kentucky to be completed, every aspect of the divorce decree must be entirely resolved. This...