Is Child Custody and Visitation Your Biggest Concern During or After a Divorce?

Is Child Custody and Visitation Your Biggest Concern During or After a Divorce?

Is child custody and visitation your biggest concern during or after a divorce?  Issues associated with child custody and visitation are the kinds of things that keep many people up at night as they consider a divorce or work through the process of ending their marriage.  How can I protect my time with the kids and my goals and objectives for how things will work during and after our divorce? 

If this sounds familiar you need to speak with John Schmidt.  John in a family law attorney who has served the people of Shepherdsville, Mount Washington and Bullitt County Kentucky for more than 20 years.  He has been through the process himself and understands the concerns of any parent.  He will answer your questions and help you to protect your parental interests.

What makes child custody and visitation your biggest concern during or after a divorce?  What specific issue(s) do you need to think through and understand?  If you are considering or at the outset of a divorce you might not realize there are two types of child custody in Kentucky: physical custody and legal custody.  What is the difference between the two?

Legal custody involves the right to make important decisions in your child’s life affecting such things as their health, education and religious practices.  Phyical custody is the right to have your child with you and to live with you in your home.  Child custody is usually shared in some way between the parents of any child, but it is possible for one or the other to be awarded “sole custody.”  The primary factor in these cases is “the best interests of the child.” 

Once a divorce is completed and the Court issues child custody and visitation orders the relationships between the parent(s) and their child(ren) are to comply with those orders.  What happens if there is a substantial change in the life of either parent or the child(ren)?  Perhaps there has been a change in your employment or work schedule that would allow you to spend more time with your kids.  Perhaps the needs of a child have changed.  What is required to seek modifications to an existing child custody or visitation order?

Another common challenge than can make child custody and visitation your biggest concern in life is a disagreement regarding a move away or relocation child custody case.  What happens if one of the parents wants to take the child(ren) and move out of the area or out of the state?  These cases can be quite legally complex and it is important to work with a local family law attorney who has extensive experience in child custody and visitation.

This is why it is important to meet John Schmidt.  John is not only an attorney, he is a parent who understands what it is like during and after a divorce.  There are absolutely issues that will affect any child custody or visitation case and actions any parent can take to improve the chances of accomplishing their own goals and objectives while maintaining the best interests of each child.

Is child custody and visitation your biggest concern during or after a divorce?  We invite you to contact us via e-mail, schedule an appointment or call us today at (502) 509-1490 to get the answers you need and relief from the child custody and visitation issues which weigh heavily on your mind.