Injuries in a Slip and Fall at a Bullitt or Jefferson County Nursing Home

Schmidt slip and fall injuries in a Bullitt or Jefferson county nursing home

Are you concerned about injuries to a parent, grandparent, or older relative who suffered injuries in a slip and fall at a Bullitt or Jefferson County nursing home?  How is it possible for someone in the care of professionals to suffer injuries as a result of a fall

The reasons usually come down to staffing and supervision.  For example, The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently published a study that showed patients in a nursing home or skilled nursing facility faced significant risks related to injuries from a fall.  These facilities average 2 to 3 falls per bed per year.  It went on to note that more than half (and approaching two-thirds) of patients fall each year, and up to 20% of those falls annually result in serious injuries.  Unfortunately, many of these falls go unreported.

Some of the more common injuries in a slip and fall at a Bullitt or Jefferson County nursing home include fractures such as a broken pelvis, hip, arm, or hand,  as well as severe head and brain injuries.   Head injury is the leading cause of injury leading to an accidental or wrongful death in retirement facilities across Kentucky and throughout the nation.

It may also surprise you to learn that the CDC reported that more than a quarter of these falls resulted from an environmental hazard within the facility itself, including poor lighting, slippery floors, and unnecessary clutter and obstacles. The patient’s bed may be too high off of the floor, and neglectful supervision leads a patient to attempt to get out of bed on their own.  Mechanical problems with physical equipment such as wheelchairs were another significant source of injuries in the study.

Kentucky has almost 300 “certified nursing facilities,” representing more than 25,000 beds and more than 22,000 patients.  To make matters worse, Kentucky’s Cabinet for Health and Family  Services found almost three-quarters of our state’s nursing homes were more than two years behind on their mandated annual inspection.  The high number of injuries due to a slip and fall at a Bullitt or Jefferson County nursing home shouldn’t come as a surprise.  The question is what to do when it happens to someone you love.

My name is John Schmidt, and I have more than 25 years of experience as an attorney based in Shepherdsville.  If a beloved family member has suffered injuries in a nursing home or skilled nursing facility, it is absolutely possible to hold the facility responsible and financially accountable.   None of our beloved seniors should be neglected, under-supervised, or in poor facilities and have to face serious injury as a result.  We can and will help you and your family to hold them accountable.

We invite you to contact us via e-mail, schedule an appointment or call us today at (502) 509-1490 to get the important advice and counsel required to protect your personal injury slip and fall claim and achieve full and fair compensation for your loved one having to endure and recover from their injuries.