Experienced Lawyer for a Motorcycle Accident in Bullitt County Kentucky

Experienced Lawyer for a Motorcycle Accident in Bullitt County Kentucky

Are you searching for an experienced lawyer for a motorcycle accident in Shepherdsville, Mount Washington or anywhere in Bullitt County?  What should you look for in an attorney if you have been injured in a motorcycle accident due to someone else’s negligence?

If you have been injured while driving or riding as a passenger on a motorcycle, you will need an experienced personal injury lawyer to achieve the best possible outcome in your case.  John Schmidt is an experienced lawyer for a motorcycle accident in Bullitt County or anywhere in the Louisville area.  John has been a locally attorney for more than 25 years.  He cares about you and making sure you have the resources to recover from what has happened.

Insurance Adjusters Have One Job, One Goal: Get You to Settle for the Lowest Amount Possible

The insurance adjuster in your case has one job, one goal: get you to settle for the lowest amount possible.

Insurance companies know that most people who would serve as a potential juror consider motorcycle riders to be risk takers.  Their lawyers will do everything possible to attempt to shift the responsibility for your injuries away from the person responsible for the accident. This is why you need John Schmidt, an experienced lawyer for a motorcycle accident in Shepherdsville, Bullitt County, or the Louisville area.  You need a strong, proven motorcycle accident and injury lawyer who will stand up for you and prove your claim.

Injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident can result in substantial medical bills as well as other expenses.  You may be forced to miss work.  Who will compensate you for lost wages?  Your injuries may require medical care into the future including occupational or physical therapy.  It may be necessary to make modifications to your home or vehicles. We work to make sure you receive the full value available based upon your injuries and the short and long term care you will require.

If you are searching for an experienced lawyer for a motorcycle accident in Shepherdsville, Mount Washington or anywhere in Bullitt County or the Louisville area  We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us via e-mail, schedule an appointment or call us today at (502) 509-1490 to get the sound advice, legal representation and important information you need.