Dashboard Knee is a Common Personal Injury in a Kentucky Car Accident

Dashboard Knee is a Common Personal Injury in a Kentucky Car Accident

Dashboard knee is a common personal injury in a Kentucky car accident.  Many people mistakenly think they are just “shaken up” after a minor impact.  However, the forces in any motor vehicle collision are strong enough to inflict injuries that will affect the quality of the rest of your life.  Many car accident victims do not experience any symptoms of an injury until days or even weeks after the accident.  This is why it is so important to see a physician for a thorough examination within 24 to 48 hours of the accident important If you or someone you love has been involved in any motor vehicle collision. 

The forces experienced by the driver or front seat passenger in a car accident often result in knees making contact with the dashboard, steering  wheel, center console, or even a door.  Dashboard Knee is a common personal injury in many types of impacts, especially a head-on collision.  When your knees make contact with other fixed objects in the car during an accident you may only seem to have a few bumps and bruises.  However, it is quite common for injuries to result in the ligaments, tendons and other soft tissue surround the patella or knee cap.

Torn ligaments or a fractured knee are usually obvious in the immediate aftermath of the accident.  However, soft tissue and ligament damages within and around the knee can be much more difficult to immediately identify. You may not have heard the classic pop or even be sure if your knees or legs made contact with impediments within the car during the accident.  Common symptoms of dashboard knee include, but are not limited to:

  • A hard time bearing weight or locking within the knee itself
  • Swelling, warmth and redness on and around the knee
  • Tingling or a “gritty” sensation in the joint
  • Swelling of the knee and any areas that surround it
  • Inability to maintain stability when turning, running or even walking
  • Pain and the inability to bear weight

While dashboard Knee is a common personal injury in a Kentucky car accident your knees may have suffered much more serious injury due to the impact.  You may have experienced any of the following ligament injuries:

  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament or ACL injury
  • Medial Collateral Ligament or MCL injury, and/or
  • Posterior Cruciate Ligament or PCL injury

Dislocation and PCL knee injuries often occur in a motor vehicle accident and in some cases damage to the artery in a knee which will result in substantial challenges now and in the future.  Impact, twisting or over-extension of the knee and surrounding tissues will result in a painful, life-interrupting injury followed by a long recovery and substantial physical therapy.

Unfortunately, dashboard knee is a common personal injury in a Kentucky car accident.  This is why you need John Schmidt, the personal injury attorney with more than 20 years of experience. Insurance companies often attempt to offer a low settlement amount which does not reflect the short and long-term physical therapy and treatment as well as the potential for knee-replacement down the road.  You deserve full, fair compensation for your injuries. 

A comprehensive settlement should include all past, present and future medical expenses as well as compensation for any missed work (lost wages), medical equipment or modifications to your home or vehicle as well as having to endure the injury and the long, painful process of recovery.

If you have been injured as a driver or passenger in a motor vehicle accident in Shepherdsville or anywhere in Bullitt or Harding County Kentucky we invite you to contact us via e-mail, schedule an appointment or call us today at (502) 509-1490 to get the answers you need as well as full and fair compensation for the injuries you have been forced to endure.