Child Custody and Visitation Lawyer in Shepherdsville Kentucky

Child Custody and Visitation Lawyer in Shepherdsville

Are you searching for an experienced child custody and visitation lawyer in Shepherdsville or the surrounding communities of Kentucky?  When a marriage involving children is coming to an end, the process can be emotionally challenging and stressful for everybody involved.  My name is John Schmidt, and I am a child custody and visitation lawyer based here in Shepherdsville.  I have more than 20 years of experience in divorce and family law cases, as well as representing individuals seeking changes in existing child custody orders after a divorce.

It is important for our clients to understand every aspect of the process for obtaining or changing the custody of a child.  In my practice, I enjoy assisting clients who seek visitation or shared parenting orders and often represent and counsel clients who are being denied access to or regular visitation with their children.

When children from present or previous marriages or from blended families are in the middle of their parents’ or step-parents’ divorce, unique legal issues often arise.  When parties try sorting out these issues on their own, tempers and frustrations often escalate to further complicate the important underlying custody and visitation issues. 

For military families, these questions can become even more complicated. 

I understand the depths of the concerns my clients are facing, as well as the challenges involved when parents disagree about child custody or visitation.  I can also tell you that our Family Courts here in Bullitt County, and across Kentucky, believe it is in the child’s best interest to spend equal quality time with each parent (given normal circumstances) regardless of what has gone on between the parents.  I provide personalized and responsive service to my clients and work closely with them in an effort to achieve the best child custody and visitation arrangements for their families.  You’ll work directly with me.

Relocation and Move Away

If you are considering relocating with the children, or if your kids have been taken out of the area or out of state in a move away, I would like to help.  This is a critical area of law, and it is important to act immediately to protect your interests and preserve local jurisdiction. 

If you are hoping to move away with kids you will need the Court’s permission before taking the children out of our jurisdiction.  The failure to do so can put your own custody rights at risk.  If you are hoping to prevent your children from leaving I invite you to contact me.  The call is free.

Contact an Experienced Child Custody and Visitation Lawyer in Shepherdsville Today

I provide a free initial consultation, and will discuss the unique circumstances related to your family’s situation.  We will work together to define all legal options, and to accomplish the goals that reflect your goals and the child(ren)’s best interests. We invite you to contact us via e-mail, schedule an appointment or call us today at (502) 509-1490 to get answers to your questions and to learn more about your unique circumstances and how to protect what is most important to you in your family law case.