Common Questions About Protective Orders

What are some common questions about protective orders that our clients often ask? We thought it might be helpful to simply list some of these questions and provide a brief answer. It is important to note from the outset that the subject of a protective order suggests not only an...

Maintenance (aka Spousal Support) and Cohabitation

In Kentucky, the statute governing the establishment of maintenance (aka spousal support) and cohabitation is Ky. Rev. Stat. § 403.200 and the statutes governing modification of maintenance are Ky. Rev. Stat. §  403.180 and Ky. Rev. Stat. § 403.250. Assuming that the parties have not entered into a separation agreement which properly addresses maintenance,...

Are Divorce Records Public

Are divorce records public? We are often asked: "Are divorce Records public?" In Kentucky family law, adoptions, paternity, and juvenile cases including Child Protective Services (aka CPS) are confidential in nature and require a Court order to view. In some circumstances, cases can be sealed but it is discouraged and...