Have you been approached by law enforcement for an interview or questioning? Have you been arrested, indicted, or charged and need an experienced Bullitt County criminal defense lawyer to work on your behalf and seek a reduction in the charges and consequences you may face?
If so, the choices you make right now can and will significantly affect the outcome of the case against you. My name is John Schmidt, and after more than 25 years of experience as a criminal defense attorney based in Shepherdsville, I can tell you I can accomplish a lot more for my clients than they will ever be able to do on their own.
You have the right to remain silent, and it is best to do so and request an immediate phone call to speak with your lawyer. Then call us at (502) 509-1490 to discuss your unique circumstances and to begin preparations to free you if you are being held, and mount a strong, effective criminal defense
As a Bullitt County criminal defense lawyer, I protect the rights of anyone accused or charged with a crime. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Theft offenses, including shoplifting, robbery, and burglary
- Drug possession, distribution, production or trafficking as well as charges associated with paraphernalia and criminal tools
- DUI or driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, prescription drugs or any altering substance
- Assault
- Domestic violence
- Murder
Those who attempt to represent themselves have no idea about court processes and procedures, associated case law, evidence rules, or even how to recognize substantial weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. This means they will have to take whatever is offered to or imposed upon them.
As your Bullitt County criminal defense lawyer, I can help you avoid all the mistakes made by most individuals who attempt to represent themselves. You don’t have to just take what you are given. You have the right to an attorney who will help you understand what is happening and how best to handle things at each step in the process. We won’t make crucial errors such as saying something that can be used against us or making an admission that damages our case.
The United States Department of Justice itself reports those who represented themselves or sought public counsel in a Federal Court, “88% received incarceration sentences, compared to 77% with private attorneys. In State Courts, 71% of defendants with private counsel (or representing themselves) were incarcerated, versus 54%” with their own attorney.
I can and will provide my time and resources to mount a strong, effective defense in your case that is likely to significantly reduce the charges and consequences you face.
As your attorney, I can challenge every step in the process. If you have been contacted for an interview, politely decline and call my office. Let law enforcement do their own work. If you are charged with a crime, I can investigate every step of the process, including the actions and testimony of the police, evidence technicians, and witnesses. I evaluate the prosecution’s case to spot weaknesses or improper application of circumstances or evidence in order to seek the suppression of flawed evidence, reduced charges, a plea deal, or outright dismissal of your case.
We invite you to contact us via e-mail, schedule an appointment or call us today at (502) 509-1490 to get the advice and aggressive criminal defense you need and deserve. At the Law Offices of John Schmidt & Associates we bring more than 25 years of experience to your side of the equation, manage the situation you face and the allegations against you, and work hard to achieve a much better outcome in your case than you can or will accomplish on your own.