Have you or your child been injured by a dog bite? Dog bite injuries often result in puncture wounds or tearing injuries resulting in significant scarring. Damage to the underlying tendons and ligaments in a hand, wrist, arm or leg can require surgery and extensive physical therapy in order to recover natural movement. Multiple surgeries may be necessary to reduce or virtually remove visible scarring in visible areas, especially in a child. When a dog attacks, many victims experience a specific type of trauma that not only makes them afraid of dogs but can require extensive counseling and support. Who is responsible for the injuries, medical bills, counseling, surgeries, physical therapy, and all other expenses associated with a dog bite in Shepherdsville, Mount Washington, Shelbyville, Taylorsville, Radcliff, Elizabethtown, Jeffersontown, or Louisville, Kentucky?
Here in Kentucky, the owner of the dog is “strictly liable” for injuries resulting from the actions of a dog or other pet they own, with few exceptions. A valid personal injury claim for dog bite injuries exists even if the dog owner wasn’t really negligent. When a dog bite results in injury in the Commonwealth, the dog’s owner is responsible for any associated costs. The challenge for many people who are injured by a dog bite know the owner of the dog well. Often, this is a neighbor, friend, or even family member. It’s not uncommon to have a reaction akin to “I’m not going to sue my neighbors.”
This is why most dog owners in Kentucky have insurance. It is required for the majority of renters and is usually a component of any homeowner’s insurance policy. The owner of the pet usually doesn’t have to pay any amount out of pocket with the type of insurance that covers a dog bite. That’s why we carry insurance. The insurance policy will cover the vast majority or all of your medical expenses – past, present, and future – and even compensation for missed work (lost wages) and fair compensation for being forced to experience the dog attack and recover from your injuries.
My name is John Schmidt, and after more than 25 years of experience as an attorney here in Shepherdsville, I understand why people often hesitate to consider calling an attorney when they or their child is bitten and injured by a dog. If you or your child has suffered injuries from a dog bite requiring medical attention, I invite you to a conversation. If the injuries have resulted in stitches or are associated with injuries that harm underlying tissues, ligaments, tendons, the movement of hands, feet, or limbs, or result in tearing wounds likely to leave a visible scar, you will need the assistance of an experienced personal injury attorney.
When you or a loved one are injured by a dog bite, you have a year or less to file a valid personal injury claim here in Kentucky. We invite you to contact us via e-mail, schedule an appointment or call us today at (502) 509-1490 to get the important advice and counsel required to protect your personal injury claim and achieve full and fair compensation for having to endure and recover from your injuries.