Burglary is one of the most common crimes in Shepherdsville, Mount Washington, Shelbyville, Taylorsville, Radcliff, Elizabethtown, Jeffersontown, or Louisville, Kentucky. If you or someone you love has been accused of or charged with burglary or a theft offense, you will need an experienced and proven burglary defense attorney to reduce the charges and consequences or seek an outright dismissal of the case.
My name is John Schmidt, and after more than 25 years of experience as a criminal defense attorney based in Shepherdsville, I can tell you a person charged with burglary should never attempt to represent themselves. There are many valid, possible defenses in a burglary case, and I work to accomplish the best possible outcome for our clients in these cases.
The Commonwealth must prove the accused entered the structure without permission or authorization with the specific intent to commit a crime. This crime may include an assault, drug crime, theft or any other misdemeanor or felony. The presence of a weapon or dangerous instrument will increase the level of theft charges in the case as well as the associated consequences.
As your burglary defense attorney, I work to evaluate every action and theory of the police and prosecution, as well as the actions and testimony of witnesses, evidence collection, and all law enforcement personnel. I have a lot of skill, experience, and tools to help you seek a reduction in the charges you face or an outright dismissal of your case.
Did you have (or believe you had) permission to enter the premises? Perhaps you never intended to commit a crime or accidentally gained entry to the building in question. In some cases, witnesses falsely identified the wrong person or law enforcement has failed to follow all search and evidence collection procedures and laws.
Burglary charges in Kentucky can be quite serious. Even a third-degree burglary charge carries a potential prison sentence of 1 to 5 years. The prison sentences for second or first-degree burglary in Kentucky range from 5 years to 20 years. Allegations regarding the use of a weapon or dangerous instrument can substantially impact the charges you face, as well as the consequences and outcome of your case.
it is never in the best interests of someone facing criminal charges to represent themselves. At the Law Offices of John Schmidt & Associates, we work to challenge the theories and weak evidence of law enforcement and the prosecution and defend and protect our clients’ rights while asserting a strong defense. We can often negotiate reduced charges and associated consequences or seek outright dismissal of the case altogether.
We invite you to contact us via e-mail, schedule an appointment or call us today at (502) 509-1490 to get the advice and aggressive criminal defense you need and deserve. At the Law Offices of John Schmidt & Associates we bring more than 25 years of experience to your side of the equation, manage the situation you face and the allegations against you, and work hard to achieve a much better outcome in your case than you can or will accomplish on your own.