Motorcycle injury Lawyer in Bullitt County Kentucky

Schmidt Motorcycle injury Lawyer in Bullitt County Kentucky

Our Motorcycle Injury Attorney Can Help

Were you injured as the driver or passenger in a motorcycle crash in Shepherdsville, Mount Washington, Shelbyville, Taylorsville, Radcliff, Elizabethtown, Jeffersontown, or Louisville, Kentucky?  Did you experience severe injuries such as road rash, head injury, or broken bones in your arms, legs, or shoulders?  Speaking with a proven motorcycle injury lawyer before speaking with insurance agents or adjusters, including your own, is important.

My name is John Schmidt, and after more than 25 years of experience as an attorney based in Shepherdsville, I can tell you that motorcycle accident and injury cases can be quite challenging.  Kentucky’s personal injury law is primarily based on who is at fault in relation to any motor vehicle accident.  Fault can be shared between more than one driver, and this includes those who ride a motorcycle.  Unfortunately, many Kentuckians consider motorcycle riders to be a bit reckless.  Insurance companies know this and use this information to try to get you to accept a much lower settlement than you deserve.

This is why it is important to work with the Law Offices of John Schmidt & Associates to protect your interests and work to ensure you receive full and just compensation for any injuries you’ve sustained due to the negligence of another driver.

As your motorcycle injury lawyer, I can draw upon video from the scene, as well as video from witnesses, law enforcement, and others as we work to prove you suffered injuries due to the negligence of another driver (or drivers).    Here in Kentucky, cars and trucks often change lanes without looking or pull out in front of a motorcycle from a side street without paying any attention.

When a motorcycle accident is due to the fault of another driver, you will need the help of an experienced attorney to ensure your valid personal injury claim is protected and managed in an effective, timely manner.  A personal injury case results in a single settlement, and this payment must account for all past, present, and future bills for medical treatment and surgeries, as well as lost wages from missing work and fair compensation for having to endure your injuries and the associated recovery.

Are you searching for a motorcycle injury lawyer in Jefferson, Bullitt, Hardin, Spencer, Shelby, or Oldham County, Kentucky? We invite you to contact us via e-mail, schedule an appointment or call us today at (502) 509-1490 to get the important advice and counsel required to protect your personal injury claim and achieve full and fair compensation for having to endure and recover from your injuries.