Have You Lost a Loved One in a Fatal Accident in Bullitt County, Kentucky

Have You Lost a Loved One in a Fatal Accident in Bullitt County, Kentucky

Have you lost a loved one in a fatal accident in Bullitt County, Kentucky, because of someone else’s negligence? What is a “wrongful death,” and what are the steps for surviving spouses, children, and family to hold those who are responsible financially accountable for the loss of their loved one and all the support and love they will miss?

My name is John Schmidt, and after 25 years of experience in these cases, I can tell you wrongful death is an area of the law that is quite legally and financially complex. There are many requirements for a successful wrongful death claim, including the timing of filing these claims. These claims require extensive legal skill and the advice and counsel of an attorney your family can work with and trust.

The spouse and children (and, often, if there are no children, the parents) of those who have lost a loved one in a fatal accident, not of their own fault in Bullitt, Hardin, Spencer, Shelby, and Oldham counties in the Louisville area wrongful death victim are entitled to compensation under Kentucky law.  The love, care, presence, and support of your loved one can never be replaced.

Our laws provide compensation for the loss of “consortium,” or the time spent and intimate connections you shared with your spouse, as well as the financial provision they brought to the family. Children lose and miss the supporting care, love, advice, and provision of a parent.

A wrongful death lawsuit seeks to recover these damages as well as fair and just compensation for any final expenses, as well as suffering your loved one may have endured before succumbing to their injuries after an accident.

Kentucky law bases accountability on the measure of “fault” with each party involved when you lose a loved one in a fatal accident here in the Commonwealth.  There are often multiple parties and insurance companies to be held legally and financially accountable for your loss.  This is especially true when a corporate interest, such as a delivery or trucking company, shares any responsibility for the accident.

In one case, a drunk driver was returning home from a party at work when they caused a fatal accident. In this case, the insurance companies of both the driver and the employer were legally and financially responsible for the loss of that family’s loved one.

The Law Offices of John Schmidt & Associates will handle all of the legal details and personal injury wrongful death insurance matters so that you and your family can remain focused on what is most important: supporting one another and working through the aftermath of a tragic loss.  Grief and the impact of your family’s loss will be overwhelming at many points,  and we are here to support and guide you and your family through the process of your valid wrongful death claim.

Our clients appreciate and value the warm, respectful, informative, and responsive way we support and represent them throughout their case, as well as the results we are able to achieve on their behalf.  We invite you to review the strong recommendations and ratings of former clients and to contact us via e-mail, schedule an appointment or call us today at (502) 509-1490 to get the important advice and counsel required to protect your wrongful death personal injury claim and achieve full and fair compensation for having to endure and recover from your family’s loss.