How long does a divorce take here in Shepherdsville or Bullitt County? While each Court has its own “local” rules on some issues associated with a divorce, the process remains similar throughout the Commonwealth. There are too many factors that can affect how long a divorce takes to complete to list here. Still, the two primary factors involve agreement or disagreement between the parties on any matter associated with their divorce and the ability of the parties to work through any disagreement to reach an agreement on the issue. This applies to all matters relating to the divorce, including, but not limited to, child custody (if any), maintenance (spousal) or child support, and division of marital assets and debts, including retirement or pension accounts, and even who will get each family pet.
My name is John Schmidt, and after more than 25 years of experience as a family law attorney based in Shepherdsville, I can tell you there is a residency requirement that one of the spouses has to live in Kentucky for at least 6 months or 180 days prior to filing for a divorce, and a 60 day separation period our law describes as a “cooling off” period, where the couple must live “separately” (though they can still live in the same home) after the marriage becomes irretrievable or, basically, one tells the other they intend to get a divorce.
One of the elements that helps to answer the question of “how long does a divorce take?” is emotion. Emotion can make it much more difficult to resolve the issue(s) at hand and complete your divorce. Obviously, divorce is an emotional experience for many of the people who go through it. The ability of the parties to work through emotion in order to make sound long-term decisions will have a big impact on the time required to complete that divorce. Emotional decisions are rarely sound decisions, and I work with my clients to help them move through the emotions in each issue and look at things from a broader perspective and their long-term interests. How will this impact you in 6 months? A year? 5 years? Some issues are worth holding your ground, but in many cases, we need to work through emotion to get to the core of an issue and resolve it.
I can help my clients view things from a different, longer-term perspective and provide insight into the law and what has worked in hundreds of similar cases so that my clients can analyze and understand each issue more clearly to make the best decision for their unique circumstances.
How long does a divorce take in Shepherdsville or Bullitt County? The shortest answer lies in the amount of disagreement between you and your spouse on any issue associated with the divorce and the time it takes for the two of you to work through it to reach an agreement or settlement. If you are unable to do so, the Judge will hear the issues at hand and render the decision.
The shortest divorces usually have very little in the form of marital assets, no children, and complete agreement between the parties. I can apply my 25+ years of experience to identify alternatives for resolving any challenge you face or disagreement with your former spouse. There are several ways to resolve disagreements. In most cases, getting the right answers and making sound long-term decisions is more important than getting things over with as quickly as possible. I can and will help you with all of that.
We invite you to contact us via e-mail, schedule an appointment or call us today at (502) 509-1490 to get answers to your questions and to learn more about your unique circumstances and how to protect what is most important to you in your family law case.